Light up Lagoon™ Activity Gym
The Light Up Lagoon™ Activity Gym creates a soothing encompassing environment for baby to play and grow. The driving inspiration for this design was a foam tube lit with LED lights inside. To showcase this new feature, different frames and canopy structures were explored to enhance the mesmerizing light display and to differentiate this gym among others in retail. Other factors that had to be considered included manufacturing costs, safety, and the ability to be put in packaging with easy assembly for the consumer. Current retailers include Walmart and Amazon. Design is patent pending.
Worked with engineers to look at mock-up samples and CAD models to refine stability and weight distribution of the electronics in the canopy. The final design solved the problem of being too top-heavy and expensive to assemble in production, while also meeting all safety requirements.
– Additional designs –
* My involvement with the products below was the design for construction only. Fashion applications and toy accessories were applied by the Kids2 fashion team and additional toy designers.